Following community-specific research, an integrated outreach campaign included the creation of Binny the Green Cart, Livermore’s composting mascot.
The City of Livermore’s High Diversion Strategic Plan identified food scraps as the most important waste stream to capture in order to meet their 75% waste reduction goal. Before Gigantic came aboard, outreach on the topic consisted of two postcards a year that reminded residents what can be put in their green cart.
- Research (Recycling and Compost Audits)
- Campaign Design & Implementation
- Concept
- Video Production and Distribution
- Design
- Website
- Photography
- Writing
- Social Media
- Online Advertising
- Neighborhood Champion Program
Gigantic Idea Studio first conducted an online survey of residents then followed up with “spot checks” of the green and blue carts to determine a general participation rate and identify contamination issues. Results from cart observations showed a disconnect between how well residents thought they were doing and how well they actually were doing. Based on that research, the first campaign focused on pizza boxes. We created a “green cart” character and introduced him to the community. The multi-touch campaign included a 30-second video, cart tags, prompt stickers, online ads, a photo pledge contest and direct mail, among other tactics. Subsequent campaigns are building on these results.RESULTS
The campaign resulted in thousands of hits to the website; a growing email list and a modest but consistently growing increase in the number of pizza boxes placed in the correct cart. Message recall/recognition of the campaign is high. The campaign also introduced a new, community-centered approach to outreach, featuring local residents in newsletter articles, emails and web content.