City of Palo Alto and hauler GreenWaste were finding increasing amounts of food and liquids left in recyclables. Under current market conditions, this contamination was jeopardizing recycling success. Gigantic helped created a video and print ad campaign to promote proper preparation of recyclables.
To help Palo Alto’s recyclables compete in the marketplace, the campaign needed to communicate the right amount of “clean” to the public and “grab attention” in today’s saturated media environment.
- Concept Development
- Graphic Design
- Photography
- Video Script & Production
- Digital Media Promotion
Our team worked worked with the City and GreenWaste to define “how clean is clean” in order to clearly communicate how to be “Recycle Ready.” We helped define the desired actions “pour, wipe or scrape” to help residents understand quickly what to do. And lastly, we helped create a sense of urgency by using the terms “Rejected” to depict recyclables that were too dirty, and “Recycled” to indicate those that were clean enough to be accepted in the marketplace. Finally, clever headlines and a funny video intro helped to grab attention. The resulting concepts were made into videos, print ads, e-news topic, truck signs, event booth display and a bill insert.RESULTS
The videos were promoted on YouTube, Facebook & Instagram, garnering 670,000 impressions, and over 75,000 views. Social media users asked clarifying questions and voiced concerns, which ZWPA had the opportunity to address in real time.